Tuesday 4 March 2014

Week 6 - Reading Week

Week 6 was a reading week and meant that no lectures were taking place for any modules. This gave us time to catch up on work that we may have been dragging behind on. Last week I had started placing already made assets into the UDK editor and this was to continue this week. With our Alpha deadline in Week 7 this would mean after reaching that landmark no more assets should be added to the scene. As this blog post stands there are a few more assets needing to be made however the scene is starting to take shape in the UDK editor and walking around in the scene in UDK I feel that all the sizes for the assets fit fine and gives you the view of a rat's perspective. For reaching the Alpha deadline I'll also need to add basic textures for all the assets, which I have been UVing as I go along making them.

Website References

Wilson, D. Dave Wilson 3D Artist. [Online]. [Accessed 4th March 2014]. Available from: http://ubudave.weebly.com/udk-creating-a-video-sequence.html

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