Tuesday 11 February 2014

Week 3 - Presentation

On the Tuesday of week 3 I presented the concept piece to the class that I wished to create for this module, In the presentation we have to present the research we undertook to build build from our chosen concept piece. A lot of the research images I showed in the presentation, I've already showed in my blog apart the mood board images in figure 1 which contains screen shots from the Studio Ghibli film Arrietty.

Figure. 1. Arrietty Film Screen Shots

Figure. 2. Arrietty Film Screen Shots

For the presentation a workflow had to be made to show a brief plan of how you expect the term to roll out. In the workflow plan I tried to key the select points in the process of the production and planned out how many weeks I would spend on each stage in the production.

Figure. 3. Workflow Chart

In the workflow chart I've tried to pin down all the key stages starting with the concept research back in week 1 and moving through landmark goals like this presentation and next the Alpha deadline in week 7. This is the second draft of my workflow chart and I plan to keep check of this everyday and modify the chart when needed throughout the rest of the module. At the minute I am keeping to my workflow plan with me beginning to start modelling assets for my scene and I also would like to note that in my plan so far I have down that I will start UV Mapping the assets in week 5. What I'm doing at the minute is UV map the assets as I'm making them. So this would need to possibly be adjusted in my workflow plan. 

Picture Reference 

Figure. 1. Arrietty Film Screen Shots http://www.dvdactive.com/reviews/dvd/secret-world-of-arrietty-the.html [Accessed 03.02.2014]

Figure. 2. Arrietty Film Screen Shots http://www.animationmagazine.net/features/arrietty-a-tale-twice-borrowed/ [Accessed 03.02.2014]

Figure. 3. Workflow Chart

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